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Trike Body Panels 6

Ok it’s been a while since i last posted but thats just cause i’ve been slack when it comes to updating the webpage. Anyway i’m still in the body panel process at the moment and have just primered one of the side panels

The primer i used is part of the stuff i just bought from the fiberglass shop when i bought all the other fiberglass materials, its called Duratec surfacing primer and its brilliant stuff as you’ll see in the other photos it shine up great for the start of the fiberglass process.

Here i have a panel i made up for the front of the trike around the down tube area. I have primed this with duratech and sanded it with several grades and finally with 600 wet and dry. I then waxed it 5 times with the special wax i got from the fiberglass shop

The first time you go to make a mould off a plug it needs to be waxed at least 5 or so times so that PVA and fiberglass won’t stick to it.

Nice and shinny eh ? it has to be or else you won’t be able to easily seperate the mould from the plug.

Ok so a week ago after waxing the panel several times i then sprayed a couple of coats of “PartAll #10” PVA , then sprayed on .7ml of gelcoat then fiberglassed over the top of it with 6 layers of 450GSM matt, this is what the mould ends up looking like after a week sitting on the plug and then removed. Wooo hooo i’ve just created my first complete fiberglass mould.

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