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Trike Body Panels 2

I’ve only started on the bogging of the panel so there is alot more to go but what i have also done is cut out a triangluar shaped scoop in the panel which will end up being a air vent that feeds the radiator.

Here i’ve put it back on the trike just to gain some prespective of what it will look like

it’s kind of hard to determine from this picture what it really looks like but it is actually a curved feature which will hopefully show up better at later stages of the panel making process.

I keep getting side tracked with other stuff but now and then i get a burst of enthusiasm to do some more sanding so here’s a picture of it a little further on in the process

I’m still making up the shape and style of the panel as i go so i have no idea how its going to end up looking yet

I’ve added two lower scoops to the panel just below the big triangular shaped vent, both scoops were molded out of modling clay then bogged over. Still lots of sanding to be done yet and then i have the task of trying to replicate the panel for the right side *sigh* . For now i have stopped making the body panel up because i’ve decided i have to get the seats and passenger hand rails made first so i can mould the panels around those items.

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