Now that its back from being painted i can start putting it all back together again, so once again I’m a happy man hehe.
Still waiting on the gears to be painted so for now this is about as far as i can go in the engine bay area, other than tidy the wiring and stuff up.

Was wondering what it would look like with the grey exhaust, doesn’t seem to look to bad so that’s good 🙂

Thought i better do the right thing and put a fire extinguisher in the front as well.

Still have to get the seat base upholstered but its currently black and sitting in place just to see what it looks like amongst all that yellow :-). I also wanted to see what it would look like if i had a strip of anti slip material stuck to the floor , so for now i made up a paper template and painted it black just to play around with some ideas.

I’ve just sat the engine cover on to make sure it still fitted. I have a few things to do in the engine cover area yet but for now i’m focusing on the rest of the craft.

I thought that maybe if i sat in it and pretended it was going that it might automatically finish building itself and be ready to hover, but alas it didn’t and it’s still sitting there unfinished.