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About me

I love to learn new things and building stuff is something i enjoy doing. However since the creation of the Hovercraft and the Trike I had full intentions of making a gyrocoptor next (a small homemade helicoptor.) That never occured because I ended up leaving New Zealand and moved to Australia where priorities changed.

Since moving to Australia the focus was experiencing new things rather than making new things. In saying that, over the last 13+ years i have since self taught myself in ..

1. Electronics
2. Smart home automation
3. Computer programming
4. Android development

Those above items tend to be my hobbies over the last several years. These are things i can do as whilst travelling which is something me and my new wife have been doing for over 8+ years in a Caravan. As a result we have a caravan that has smart features all through it from voice activated lights to automatic rain water collection system.

From a Work point of view I’ve gone from being a mechanic for 26+ years to some industrial roles such as working on a 5 star Tropical island as a sewage operator, Desal operator (thermal desal plant) , RO plant operator, fitter / welder, powerhouse operator, then to a Utilities Manager and then a Chief Engineer. After leaving a tropical island and travelling around Australia I’ve taken a less demanding approach to work/life balance and have been a Machine operator on cattle stations and sheep stations and Broadacre farms and now doing some handyman / caretaker work on another resort.

Life to me isn’t about being trapped in one place doing the same thing over and over, it’s about experiences and learning new thingsĀ 

If i do decide to build another project , i’ll be sure to add it to this website which I’ve kept alive for so many years purely so I can look back at it and remember that with a bit of spare time, and enthusiasm you can put your mind to anything and achieve goals and memories that last a lifetime.