Below is a collection of random photos of around the time when i was building or using the hovercraft. They may not be hover related in some cases but it’s memories for me 🙂
Hoar frosts in Central Otago NZ
Hovercraft Pictures
Trike Pictures
Snow and Alexandra NZ
- This was the house, which was a converted 3 car garage covered in rose bushes
- Rose bushes everwhere
- My first ever ride on mower, how times have changed
- This is the driveway into the house i was living in @ Alexandra NZ. It was a 20 acre property in the country side
- Clyde dam where i used to go hovering
- Me on my XR200
- The manorburn Dam was at the back of our property
- Me on a pee wee bike during winter
- I added a weedsprayer to the back of the mower so i could weed spray as i mowed
- This is the orchard i had at the front of the house
- This shed in the background is where i did all my fibreglassing
- The dam face