On this page is just random bits and pieces of the build such as parts painted etc, really i just created this page because its been over a month since I’ve had anything to put on the site and thought i better put something just in case people thought i had fallen off the face of the earth or something :-).
Its currently September the 29th 2005 when i made this page and my craft is still currently at a friends paint shop (Bodyline Refinisher’s) waiting to be painted. It’s been sitting there for over two weeks now and is yet to be started but hopefully soon progress will start.
In the mean time whilst the crafts out of my garage i’ve been trying to think of things to do that the budget will allow so that i have money left to pay for it being painted. Sooooo…… I decided that my wife was getting sick of swinging the motor over the hovercraft each time i take it in and out of the hover , so i bought some scrap henderson tracking and mounted that to the roof beams of my garage. I connected the block and tackle to the tracking and now i can roll the motor from one side of my garage to the other without having to worry about dropping the motor through the top decks of the craft :-).
I also decided to paint various bits and pieces like the plummer blocks and any other exposed metal surface. The exhaust has been painted with VHT (very high temp) paint (designed for exhausts), now from my experience with this stuff it last all of about 2 days on a exhaust system but i guess its better than nothing, i choose to paint it silver because there was just too much black going on in the back of the hover craft that i felt like having it a little different. My fan frame and support bars and engine mounts have all been powder coated in a gloss black. Powder coating sticks like S**T to a blanket so hopefully that will protect those bits from the elements.
So on a final note , the build of my craft is still happening , just not happening as fast as i’d like it to and i’m sooo lost now cause i used to spend a minimum of a couple of hours a night every night on the craft and now its been a month where I’ve not been able to do anything and i’m Sooo bored hehe, can’t build the trailer in the meantime cause i’m not that rich at the moment which is a shame , hopefully i win lotto this weekend 🙂
The henderson tracking that lets me roll the motor from one side of the garage to the other.